How engaging our senses can lead to a more emotional connection with brands
As the line between the digital and physical worlds increasingly become blurred, this article explores how brands are creating sensory experiences to create deeper connections with their audiences.
“As a society we are craving interaction and sensory experiences. There’s a greater need for creativity and connection because there’s a greater human problem of isolation, both physical and mental.”
Global managing director and co-founder at Cult, Bridey Lipscombe.
Outernet London to open three new music venues for recovering live scene post-pandemic
Great news for live music and entertainment fans; Outernet London - remains on track for an early 2021 opening. The centrepiece of the complex is The Now Building - a live interactive broadcast environment boasting 8k, 360° screens for brand engagement.
Hanifa’s virtual 3D fashion show is haunting, beautiful, and brilliantly executed
After appearing live on Instagram on 24th May, the Hanifa virtual fashion 3D show has gone viral, raising thought-provoking commentary around not just how the fashion industry can pivot during the pandemic, but more long-term. Will this creative and effective use of new technologies lead a change for the future of live, global fashion weeks?
How sponsors can refocus their live events budgets
After a 100 day hiatus from live sporting events - the beautiful game recommenced last week. However, we’re still a long way from returning to normality for sporting events and live entertainment. This article looks at five ways how sponsors can refocus their activation budgets to support their team, venue and event organiser partners to help open the doors to large groups of eager fans.
Please do share your stories with us that have inspired your thinking or sparked new ideas this week.